Monday, November 23, 2009

lucky in love.

On Tuesday, the mister and i celebrated our one year anniversary!
He gave me my present at midnight on tuesday. Even though i was half asleep i was so excited when i opened my present...
a sparkly, purple laptop!

We celebrated with a dinner to claim jumper on friday!

This year has been a lot of fun for both of us.
We've gone on vacations to hawaii, utah, lake havasu, and oceanside.

I love this man so much. He always makes me laugh, and there is rarely a moment that i am not smiling when i am with him. He is a hard worker and soon-to-be college graduate in a couple weeks! woohoo. The mister makes me so happy, and i'm lucky to have him in my life.
I can't wait to be his wifey and spend forever with him.

i love you mister, xo


Dustin and Melissa said...

You two are so cute and I can tell you make a great couple! :)

Running with's about making the time now! said...

Happy 1 year!!! I am so happy for you two. You two make me smile too.

Kalita Ulrich said...

Owww I love both of you and i can't wait to have you officially part of our family!
You are the best! Love you

Michelle said...

Brownie points for him!!! That's awesome. You guys make a very cute couple. xo