Tuesday, March 23, 2010

baby macy

On March 17th my best friend, Brindie, had the most perfect baby girl. I got to hold her a couple hours after she was born and it was seriously the best feeling ever; like i was holding a little bit of heaven. She was 7lbs. 7oz and 19.5 inches long...and also eight days late! I wish she would stay tiny for ever, but i am also so excited to watch her grow up!

i love you baby Macy!
love, auntie tessie

seeing mommy and macy for the first time

grandma rochelle

holding baby girl! love at first sight

baby M also the longest pair of eyelashes i've ever seen on a new baby!

she's perfect in every way possible & making me baby crazy!!!

1 comment:

Kalita Ulrich said...

She is Super cute Tess!! Come over lets make her some bracelets:)