Sunday, April 4, 2010

happiest day of my life 4.03.10

Today, David asked me to be his wife. Today is the happiest day of my life...thus far.

On October 24, 2008 the mister and I went on our first date to the Santa Monica Pier, where we took a ride on the ferris wheel. Today we went to the pier for a day of fun and while riding on the ferris wheel, mister said to me, "I have a present for you." He then took out a little black box from his pocket, got down on one knee, and asked me to marry him. I said yes of course. I am so excited to spend forever with him!

For the last, well a lot of months, i have gotten my nails done in anticipation for this special moment. I usually get them done around holidays and birthdays, and was planning on getting them done this next week since my birthday is in one week [april 10th]. A little after mister asked me to marry him, he pointed out my nails weren't done. SOOO what else to do than go find a nail salon in Santa Monica and get them done!
I love love love my ring. He did a perfect job picking it out.

i love my mister.
thanks for making the happiest girl in the world today!


Dustin and Melissa said...

Congratulations Tessa! Your ring is beautiful and it is wonderful to see you so happy. All the best to you and your new husband-to-be.

Reynolds Family said...

Love it. I know you are super Happy. Cant wait to hear details. Congrats to the Mr. and Now soon to be Mrs.

Running with's about making the time now! said...

I am so happy for you both! I too have been waiting for this post, and for the happy moment, although, I have not got my nails done....they look great, but really your hand looks good both ways! I knew the Mr would be your hubby someday.
I love the ring! You both look soooo happy, and to relive the first date, sooooo cute. I am glad that he got down on one knee, very nice.
I am so glad that you are going to be a wife soon, you will be the best!
Do you know the month yet?
Congrats to both of you.
I bet your mom is so excited (and sad to have you move out) all at the same time.
Please tell them all hello for me, and have her give you the biggest hug ever from me! We love you all.

Michelle said...

I am SO happy for you Tess!!!!!! xoxo